Monday, September 15, 2014

The Guy

He’s the guy that looks bored and uninterested, with eyes that are flat, unreadable and emotionless. He is the quiet guy standing behind his loud friends; the guy whose smiles are rare, who talks only when asked, who looks like he doesn’t give a shit about anything. He is the guy who rarely gets the attention, and he’s fine with it. And yet, out of all his friends, he’s the one you noticed. He caught your eyes and interest. And before you know it, he’s going to be THE guy. 

He’s going to be that one person which thoughts and emotions you want to get to know. He’s going to be the one you’re going to lose sleep over, trying to imagine crazy, cheesy romantic scenarios in your head. He’s going to be that guy you want to call yours. You imagine him to be interested in, and only, you. You think about him always until you can’t pretty much differentiate reality from fantasy, and that you want the latter to be the real one.

But it’s not. It’s never going to happen. He’s never going to be THE guy for you. Because he already is the guy in someone else’s life, and that just sucks so bad and so heartbreakingly, regrettably, unfortunately sad.

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